Magical Realism
Magical realism is a unique genre of literature that combines magical components with the practical aspects of everyday existence. Starting and progressing from Latin America in mid-twentieth century, magical realism came to prominence through works such as Gabriel Garcia Marquez's “One Hundred Years of Solitude” and Isabel Allende’s “The House of the Spirits.” Magical realism has often been characterized by a narrative that could be said to occur in a dream; the difference being that magical things happen and no one seems to worry about whether it's logical to do so or not.
In magical realism, the extraordinary is embedded in the ordinary and there lies a permissive fantastical ‘ license’ which authors use in a low realistic setting. This fusion puts across various layers of reality regarding human life experiences, culture and society. These authors defy conventions and through the magical element, they discuss and unlock issues of identity, and the phenomena of memory, history, and time being interwoven.
Magic realism employs a lot of devices like symbolism, vivid imageries, and metaphor, and brings a whole new world of experiences thus captivating the readers by attempting to induce a sense of mystery and magic around the environment they sense. Writers such as Salman Rushdie, Laura Esquivel and Haruki Murakami have contributed towards the growth and global fame of magic realism in literature by broadening the themes and the culture.
To conclude, readers are invited into profound reflections on the interplay between magical realism, the ordinary, and the magical, all while exploring the reality of the human condition.
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