Pierre Freneau - Subjektiv.art

Pierre Freneau


Pierre Freneau, born in 1997 and based in Paris, is a painter exploring the intersection of daily encounters, human emotions, and surreal imagination. His work emerges from a blend of spontaneous visions, observations, and instinctive responses, creating a surreal atmosphere that transforms introspective reflections into vivid visual experiences. The resulting art is a composition of real-life experiences and abstract scenes, rooted in the continuous assimilation of emotions, situations, and encounters that shape everyday life. Drawing inspiration from surrealist and symbolist movements, his works often incorporate neutral faces, disjointed body parts, and geometric elements in unconventional contexts. The use of these powerful symbols and their association within the scenes generate metaphorical situations, inviting the viewer to a reflection that reconnects them with their own experiences. Each piece is a dialogue between the visible and the invisible, the symbolic and the rational, encouraging the viewer to explore their own emotional and perceptual boundaries.

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